
How to Maximize Patient Outcomes with Shared Decision Making
The National Association of Orthopedic Nurses (NAON), local Affiliate Hartford Chapter was proud to feature a lecture from Dr. Jesse Eisler on January 25, 2024 at the Bone and Joint Institute at Hartford Hospital. Dr. Eisler's talk, "How to Maximize Patient Outcomes...

Congratulations to Dr. Jesse Eisler on completing the FIRST dualPortal® case in Connecticut, performed in Hartford CT!
I’ve been observing the spine endoscopy field for over 10 years and I’m so impressed with the progress being made by surgeons and device companies and appreciate the work Amplify Surgical, Inc. and Andy Choi are doing to make this effective and cutting-edge technique...

In October, CT Back Center wears PINK! in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

October 16th is World Spine Day!
October 16th is World Spine Day! "Taking place on October 16 each year, World Spine Day highlights the burden of spinal pain and disability around the world. World Spine Day highlights the importance of spinal health and well-being. Promotion of physical activity,...

Condolences to Laurie our Therapy Dog
We here at CT Back Center regret to inform you that our beloved therapy dog laurie has passed over the rainbow bridge. Thank you to all who have loved her and asked for her. -CT Back Center Staff


PCORI: Learning Collaborative to implement patient decision aids for elective orthopedic surgery
Principal Investigator: Karen Sepucha, PhD One-day in-person meeting with about 30 participants from across the country Agenda items are below: 08:30AM – 08:45AM WELCOME, OVERVIEW, AND AGENDA REVIEW 08:45AM – 09:15AM Fun Activity and Site Updates (All...

National Association of Spine Specialists 37th Annual Symposium 2022 – Chicago, IL

Shared Decision Making: What is it and how do I use it
Football fans everywhere are thinking of Pittsburgh Stealers Ryan Shazier after the injury he sustained last night vs. the Cincinnati Bengals. Reports are that the 25 year old

Navigated Lateral lumbar inter body fusion
Today, my wonderful team at BJI including Marge McKnight, Shahin Shaikh, PA and Jen Hehl, DN Dave, CRNA and John Tiernan MD performed a navigated Lateral lumbar inter body fusion, the first one of this type at Hartford Hospital and Bone & Joint Institute using...