Epidural Steroid Injection

What is an Epidural Steroid Injection?

An Epidural Steroid Injection (ESI) is a minimally invasive procedure we perform right here in the office! This procedure can help relieve pain in the neck, mid or low back by reducing inflammation around the inflamed spinal nerves due to spinal stenosis, or a disc herniation.

How does the Epidural Steroid Injection procedure work?

The Epidural Steroid Injection is performed by either Dr. Eisler or our Nurse Practitioner, Andrew Gregory. We use fluoroscopy – live X-ray –  during the procedure to ensure accurate positioning and placement of the injection. Placement is confirmed by injecting a small amount of contrast dye to the area. Then, a corticosteroid (Depomedrol, or Cortisone) is delivered into the epidural space around the inflamed spinal nerve roots.

Prior to the Epidural Steroid Injection procedure

If you have any questions regarding your diagnosis, plan, or the following instructions please call the office prior to your scheduled Epidural Steroid Injection. 

  • Provide a list of any allergies you may have to medications, latex or contrast dye.
  • Provide a list of all medications you take. 
  • Stop any blood thinning products (i.e. Aleve, Aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen) 3-5 days prior to the procedure. Anticoagulants such as Coumadin, Plavix, Xarelto, or Pradaxa should be stopped 7 days prior to the procedure. **Please check with your prescribing doctor prior to stopping these medications**
  • In some cases we may ask that you have a family member or friend drive you to your procedure.
  • If your health changes (cold, flu or other illness), please call and let us know. It may be necessary to reschedule your appointment.


During the Epidural Steroid Injection

You will be positioned on the procedure table on your stomach. Please wear loose-fitting clothes with an elastic waistband. The provider will determine the placement of your injection dependent on your clinical presentation (symptoms), your physical exam, and your imaging results. We use a local anesthetic called lidocaine to numb the skin, followed by placement of a spinal needle to deliver the steroid medication to the affected levels. The entire procedure typically lasts about 10 minutes. 

If you are one of the many people suffering from neck pain, chronic lower back pain, scoliosis, sciatica or another spine-related condition, you will be in great hands at Connecticut Back Center (CBC). CBC was founded by Jesse Eisler, MD, PhD, in 2005 and with offices in Vernon and Bloomfield, CT serves the Greater Hartford and Central Connecticut area. Our mission is to provide accurate, responsive and effective spinal care with comprehensive non-surgical and surgical treatments for the full spectrum of spinal disorders. Our goal is always to reduce your pain, increase your flexibility and help you resume an active life after treatment. To learn more about your treatment options, give us a call at (860) 253-2714 or request an appointment online now.

North American Spine Society
North American Spine Society